When I think about the process of leadership, this project was able to give me a concise understanding of what I value in myself and others. I had the opportunity to seek words that aligned with my values, loyalties, and opinions. This gave me a great amount of insight as I was able to reflect on how well I collaborate with my community of peers and certainly what I can produce more of for myself. I was able to identify habits that needed change in order to become the best version of myself and most importantly point out my strengths, weaknesses, and triggers as an individual.
The material I created enabled me to view my community with a wider of a lens than I usually do. This goes to illustrate that I found the community of KU to be full of energizing words and actions that are unseen by the majority of students. However, I was lucky enough to create a connection with those individuals I worked with for this project and relay their values and stories. Without collaborating with my college community, I would've blind slighted to the beauty of difference in others that surround me on a daily basis. Most importantly, these individuals helped me form a legacy of promoting the different faces of leadership on our campus.
One component I don't want to forget from this material as I engage in the process of leadership is acknowledging the values of others. Even though my personal values are possibly different, it's important that I make it known to those around me that their values are seen and heard as well. Many times, without us knowing, conflicts can arise from the individuals in the situation not paying close enough attention or asking the necessary questions that can inch us closer to not only becoming a better version of ourselves but deepening our connections with others. It's impossible to lead others without something they can be energized from and feel connected to, which in this case it's acknowledging the endless values.
This material influenced how I make ethical decisions by focusing my attention on a few components of myself I would like to change. The habits are revealed in the material, but they each reflect on components I urged myself to be accountable for. Each in their own ways they play a role in my life that has enabled me to be more open to experiences, comfortable in conflict and the unknown, and knowing how to move towards a common goal with others. Knowing how to act and think ethically in times that leadership is needed is an ideal strategy for producing the outcome I desire.
This material influenced how I think about collaboration by learning how to slow down and take situations step by step. Taking things as they go when working alongside other individuals, has taught me how to think about what in a certain situation genuinely matters and what are the other factors of the situation that can be compartmentalized. However, every individual that has a part within a collaborating situation needs to be and feel energized. Becoming energized yourself and knowing how to energize others in the slightest sense can make all the difference if you just put in the effort to do so. In this material, I was able to formulate an activity to help my peers feel energized in their daily lives as they focus on where to put their own energy in the roles they play.
When I think about the process of leadership, this material contributes to my effectiveness due to expanding my efforts in walking alongside my KU community and voicing their stories and concerns of how limited the freedom of expression can be. As an individual who deeply cares for others, hearing the stories and opinions of these individuals was alarming. I knew that I couldn't change the entirety of the situation, but I could change the biases in their minds that "no one cares". I believe that the time I have here surrounded by the rest of KU students is valuable and that while I still have the chance to begin in making a change, that I should stay ambitious, curious, and make it my job for other students to be heard. If I was struggling with how to freely express myself, I would want to have guiding steps in navigating how to combat this challenge and begin a need for change.
This material caused me to think in depth about how communities are developed and the complexities that lie within them, by believing there can always be a solution to change. Although, it may be difficult to strategically know how to walk alongside it, we can all still find our purposes that can better connect us to finding that solution. I was able to create a solution that would help me face the challenge head on, include all individuals around me, and remind myself that not all roles played within a system, relay back to the exact identity of any individual. These three components helped me develop a wider lens and see communities as less intensely complex.